Secluded Sanity

When the crowd goes home and the lights are turned off and slowly emitting their last breaths of heat to the air, where do the extraverts go? Where would you find those sanguine on a night where it is raining like Niagara outside, and there is nothing but candles to light the room? I think it can be an interesting notion, when people are labeled as introverts, or melancholy, and then expected to conform to those boundaries. How often have the excuses been made from the phlegmatic, “oh it’s because of my personality, it’s the way I work.” To an extent. If you expect me to believe that you are excused from appointments whenever you want because you’re not motivated, and that’s because you’re a phlegmatic, your daily mistaken. How long will some people walk around in complete ignorance to their own choices? We need to take responsibility for our actions and not limit ourselves to a theory, or set formula. I want the day to come where those who have to be the center of attention whenever possible, can find some solitude and have it not be offensive to those living in the same environment. Christ took time out all through his life, to go and spend time with his Father. Why then is it viewed as bad or even wrong for people in today’s world to spend some alone time. I love being alone sometimes, and it is some of the most rewarding moment in my imaginative world - to just relax and have absolutely nothing taking place all around you. Stillness is one of the most beautiful things I have ever come across. You’ll have to forgive me if I have no desire to share it with you. So to the extravert, feel free to curl your toes into a couch and get lost in a book, and don’t feel like you’re ‘not being yourself.’ Stare out your window and watch the candles dance. Be still, silent, and make sure you are listening. You never know what you will hear.
As someone who is an extraverty this is very true it is truly exciting to just spend time by yourself curled up with a blanket and book. Ah sweet peace! Gail:)
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