Peeling This Life

Ever just lived out your life and never really realized your in a rut until it was revealed to you. And after realizing your in a rut you get excited/nervous because of the new present realities. You don’t know how to react, you just know that you have to react somehow. I would love to jump out of this rut and move to the future laid clear before me but instead I lay it down. Back at His feet, thankful that he has given me the chance to see what I never believed possible. He is the conductor of my life, the sounds to my song, and the director of this play. He’s in control and that dependence is something I have to be thankful for. It’s like the peeling back of an orange, your reality is all you know until one day the peel gets punctured, and then your left with this brand new reality. You don’t dive in right away but take your time letting your curiosity be checked with caution but in the end you are so thankful for the new reality that has been exposed. Has that happened to you ever? It has me and it can be the most amazing place to be, in His arms watching Him create, alter, and change all because He is in love with us, and we reciprocate that love. All it takes is something so simple as a few words, a certain person to walk into your life, or even a simple gesture of thanksgiving. It could be anything, larger than the idea of new life, or as small as writing a smile on a napkin for a waitress. He’s in charge. I love watching Him drive this life. Be excited about a new and expanded world, but don’t forget to thank Him and lay it back down. I’ll see you below the surface of this figurative fruit.
Have you tasted the orange?
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