And I fell…

I finally realized it today…I’m in love. It wasn’t until I turned my back on the one I loved that it hit me…’you’re the one for me’. The words still ring loud in my heart, ‘my heart burns for you’, oh what does the word ‘burn’ mean to me! Like a fire cutting through anything it is faced with, ripping to sheds anything bold enough to try and tame its wrath. My heart burns for you. I never want to be apart from you. I want to spend all of eternity with you. I never want to take my eyes off your face, your glorious complexion. I’m lost in your love, your majesty, your splendor, and I have no intention of being found. I can’t help but weep of your glory, your perfection, your love. My heart burns for you. The only thing that can quench this fire is you: the same thing that causes it to intensify. I never want to spend a moment out of your sight, out of your arms reach, out of your whispers touch. I love you. I love you. I mean these words; I love you. Be my everything. Let us walk together, grow together learn together. Father I love you. I love you. You surround me, and hold me closer than I know. Oh how blessed am I to even know you let alone be in this intimate relationship with you. How unworthy am I yet how much more blessed. Lord, I love you. Thank you for your redemption, strength, grace and love. I beg for your mercy, your blessing, your gaze to rest on me. I love you Lord, more than I knew but am just starting to understand. Thank you for choosing me. I love you, and so my life shall sing…
You really had me going there for a sec...I thought that we'd have to talk when you came back to the bubble!
However, I'm glad to see that the love you have for your savior continues to grow and I hope that we can continue to inspire one another to live for eternity.
I pray that you would know how much the heart of your Heavenly Father strives and yearns for you, for your attention, for your love.
Be blessed as you pursue Him, and I hope you know that you are a blessing to us!
could those words have come from your heart and have been typed by your fingers? they seem to be the very words of my own soul, the very prayer of my heart, and the very core of who i am...
thanks for putting it into words. they touched me deeply, they coudl be my own. no, they are... some of them were jsut not yet spoken...
and thanks for the challenge, even if you didn't relaize that you were presenting one, for i'm challneged to tell my God how deeply and passionately i love him... and to not hold it back...
be blessed,
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