Learning to Fly

As we walk these halls and sidewalks in our lives, we inevitably lock eyes with other people. Depending on where you come from the length of this entanglement will be different. For example, when eyes meet on the city streets in Calgary they are quickly put away as there seems to be some unwritten rule about having to look down when walking in the city. In a small towns when your eyes meet with someone else’s it usually serves as an invite for a conversation about the weather.
But have you ever in that split second of looking into someone’s eyes gotten lost? Have you ever looked away in fear of the secrets hiding in the back corner of those retinas? I can recall too often then I would like to admit, looking at someone, and seeing the depth of their despair when their eyes scream back at me, “I am worthless…” It’s interesting how eyes can speak without even moving. Perhaps if we dwell on an idea - such as being worthless - long enough, it becomes us.
How often have we as humans, and very much our generation and those seemingly to come (twenty something’s), been convinced that we are worth absolutely nothing? How often have we sat in our beds curled up under a dim light as the words of desperation are spelled out in black pen in our journals? How many times have we woke up in the morning and the first thought that races to the forefront of our minds is why?
I would like to suggest something that will perhaps serve as a reminder to some people, and perhaps all people at some point in their lives: you are worth it. You, the individual reading this blog are worth it. Say it out loud if you need to, you are worth it. You are special. You are so precious and significant and beautiful that nothing compares to the value of you. We as the rest of humanity are honored to know you, as you are the only you that exists. You are capable of more than you know. Believe in yourself, but more importantly believe in Him, your proud Father in Heaven, and what He is willing to do through you. Jump from this cliff that you’ve paced in for so long and fly. Soar to new heights and places you never dreamed existed. Dream. You are worth it. Christ didn’t walk that lonely road with a cross on His back, and endure so much for nothing. He did it with you in mind. Because you are worth it.
Were asked to love one another as we love ourselves, but how can that work if we don’t love ourselves? “If you see yourself has worthless, think of how easy it is to see others as worthless.” It’s all right to love yourself, because you are that special. Don’t fear pride or vanity, but do be aware as it creeps into your peripheral vision. Embrace the glory God has bestowed upon you. Don’t hide from it. I want to see you fly.
Allow your eyes the power to present hope to those that happen to glance their way. Believe in yourself and what He has created. Please, for the sake of this generation and the rest of humanity, don’t rob us of what only you can give us. Just believe in yourself, move toward the edge of the cliff you’ve been isolated on for so long, and soar. You know you want to. Leap.
Now that I've caught up on the last few posts...
Your writing and your living are inspiring. Thank you for how you go about them both.
Continue to pursue the Pursuer and allow Him to work towards completing His masterpiece known as "therickety".
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