Deck the Halls…

With the winter successfully introducing itself to Eston, covering everything from sky to field, there is nowhere to escape its inevitable wrath. Coming like a storm, with temperatures bordering the -30’s, and having no right to complain because of Calgary’s -40 degree weather, I will instead be content with only mentioning the fact that its cold out here.
But things are getting better, and in a town the size of 900, and a Bible College containing just over 100 students and faculty you would wonder how entertainment makes itself known. Even as we speak, Eston College is in the thick of the ‘Great Coffee’a’Thon’, where students sign up and see who can drink the most coffee with the winner getting their names emblazed on a limited FGBC mug, something that around 15 students agree is worth risking their health over. The days has just begun, the contest is just three hours old at 11 o clock, and Kyle Lomenda has drank over 20 cups of coffee…this day is only going to get better. But that is only the beginning of the excitement out here; take for example the guys snowball raid just last night that saw around five girls take their turns turning into living snowmen…or in their case…snowwomen…or just snowball losers, as the girls did not represent themselves well, choosing instead to stay inside their warm wooden castles; one day they too shall fall.
This Friday the fun continues as the College embarks on its yearly Christmas banquet, which sees the student body get dressed up like it is graduation time, gathering for a night of memories, laughter, and often inside jokes. This years standup banquet will be a change form recent years, but will be sure to entertain none the less.
And to greet the student body this year for Christmas…the Norwalk virus, which is currently spreading its fangs around the College. The virus has taken down a number of students and faculty already, but the College is confident it can take down the virus.
With all this taking place in the halls of FGBC, you probably wonder how students have time for homework? The answer to that is…somehow. Somehow in the crunch time of the season the students persevere and get everything done, handing their last assignment with a sigh of exhaustion that can only be rejuvenated by a few weeks at our homes.
So here’s to the season with all of it’s anticipation and excitement, all its surprises, I hope and pray oyur Christmas season is filled with good memories. Merry Christmas, and remember that if the weather gets a little to cold, throw on a trusty old cardigan, because everyone knows they take the ‘c’ out of cold.
Back To Work...

Well it’s another year at FGBC, and another year in Scott’s community group and what does that mean; A lot more blogging. In fact, I have an assignment to submit four blogs by this Wednesday. Consider this the first.
This summer was a wonderful experience, in many ways. One way especially was the chance to gain three more close friends. Laurie, Kendall, and Craig in so many ways changed my life. They each on their own way showed me more of the Lord’s character, and taught me more of myself. It was interesting to be put in another intimate setting that resembled the year prior in my internship. One thing I’ve come to realize in the past few years is that I can be very hesitant to trust people. Needless to say I found it quite interesting to find myself being vulnerable with these three, noticing myself everyday sharing more of my heart with them. Perhaps it was because I had to live with them in high intensity situations for most of the summer, or perhaps it was because I was so exhausted I let my walls down…regardless of what it was I’m thankful. I find myself reflecting on this past summer realizing that I’ve been blessed with three more close friends, something that all the money in the world couldn’t buy.
This new year of school has been something of a surprise, a good surprise to be sure. I’ve watched as the first year class has embraced their time at school, bringing with it a plethora of joy and spiritual growth. The school has seen daily prayer meetings become the norm in the prayer room, something that after last year was being considered turned into a coffee shop! Now in no way am I calling this year ‘better’ than last year, just difference, and it’s this difference that I find incredibly motivating. In the midst of this year that I consider being entirely chaotic – with each having all but an hour and a half of free time/homework time – I find myself having an inner peace. Watching the student body being focused on the Lord instead of being lost in the confusion of getting marks, popularity, or a mess of so many other things, helps me remember why I’m there; not for marks, but to know Him more.
It’s going to be a good year, there are high hopes for a lot of things; volleyball – are teams are chalk full of talent – football – anything other than a championship will be disappointing – friendships, the positive attitude of the students makes making friendships that more enjoyable, and a whole host of other things the Lord has planned for us. It’s going to be a good year regardless, because God is good and that won’t change even if my circumstances do…because as always, “God is good, even when it hurts.”
Home Sweet Home…

After nine months of recruitment my job is officially finished. I walked the halls of many high schools across the Western provinces, set foot on a few campgrounds, and walked the street of Regina as a Street Invader.
Needless to say I’m exhausted but I’m oh so excited about reflecting about the past experiences and looking back to see what God has done in my life, and the lives of those around me.
What an opportunity recruitment was; a chance to share my heart with people, whom, for the most part were willing to listen to me. I felt honored to have their time, if only for a brief moment.
My favorite part of the summer was Street Invaders, because it was a time where I could see the growth of people on my team, and in a very tangible form, the blessings of the Lord. I was blessed with a terrific church, with a fantastic youth group, in a wonderful city. There was nothing I could have done to make it any better. Watching my team be themselves, speaking to me, it was if I didn’t even need to be there. The Lord was in control and it was so evident form the beginning, because in all honesty I couldn’t have survived otherwise. He is good. He is so good.
I’m wishing this update was a little more humorous so I’ll add a few highlights…
- Craig and Greg’s romantic comedy nights
- Getting kicked out of Wascana park and Cornwall mall
- Destroying an anthill empire with an elbow drop
A few of the funny moments that graced me this summer, but definitely not all.
Looking back I can see the places the Lord has brought me and it excites me for the future. I can only imagine and dream the places we’ll head to next.
Humility is something that I pray for regularly and on the night of August 20th I got yet another answer to my prayer. I had parents from two different kids on my team come up to me and asked what happened to their kids. They were wide-eyed in appreciation. They were trying to thank me…I wasn’t sure what to do, except direct their praise to the one who really deserved it. It’s so humbling to be used by the Creator to change a life, oh so humbling…
Veteran...Campers Paradise?

Well, I’ve arrived home in Calgary to finish the week, and with my I brought a throat infection, which will be sure to treat me well as I head to Pembina camp this weekend…I’m more than excited!
I’m a bit shocked at what took place at Veteran camp this past weekend, I was the councilor of the 13 and 14 year old boys, and well, we had a good time. It has been the first time in my life where I actually felt old. I was having a hard time relating with the discussions of some of the young guns, but I felt a huge joy in that, they were a lot of fun.
Veteran camp, somehow leaves its footprint on you. After all the 4 hour long services, and teachings that will have to be wrestled through for years to come, when the morning to leave rolled around all my kids were desperate to stay longer…some even used the words forever! The dynamics are so interesting, as the camp has really nothing to offer in terms of exciting features…water so brown that it is unnerving (the iron content is much too high), activities that, while exciting, will never win in a fight against water sports, and a lot of free time. I have spoken to people who have gone in the past, claiming it is the best camp ever, and somehow their point was proven. I’m not going to say it’s the best camp in the entire world, but it does have a lot to offer…some how.
The main benefit of the camp is the relationships. There is a lot of opportunity to hang out with people and build friendships, and well hang out. And at the same time the Lord is very subtly working on your heart; this is seen when you arrive at the end of the week feeling like you’ve have gone through a life changing experience, but can’t put your finger on how.
My experience in the “Alcatraz” cabin was one of joy, and I was so blessed to have the Lord place me there. It was interesting as I was praying to be sent to Kedleston, but I can see now how that would have been too ‘safe’. I’m always asking the Lord to bring me to the place where He would like to see me the most, a place of reliance on Him, and while Veteran wasn’t always easy it was always a good place for me to have to rely on the Lord. I’m more than thankful for the experience, and won’t be surprised if I head back next year!
Next week is the adventure known Pembina, and all it’s promised rainy days. I’m hoping to borrow a game from Regina, “Trout and Egg”, oh the potential for this camp is through the roof. Lord may you continue to lead, and keep us all safe from the extreme version of fear factor headed our way!
Eggcellent Weekend…

I couldn’t resist the title, please forgive me later. My goodness I’m exhausted, I’ve realized that too many good time moments can wear a guy down, but it was all worth it.
Quick house keeping Nathan Frank has joined this incredible blogging experiment, as well as my close friend Nathan Densley from Estavan, both links can be found on my other page, ‘Your Thoughts’.
So the weekend, and while it wasn’t what I thought it might have been it was great in everyway. I thought the canteen would still have at least one can of Tahiti Treat left for me, but alas I was mistaken. We took off early Friday morning, taking a few wrong turns as we headed out toward my childhood playground, Kedleston Camp. Now for a quick note, we discovered the worst road in Saskatchewan and perhaps Canada as we decided to try the back roads. This road literally had treads in it to the left and right from the broken pavement, it looked more like a dirt road that had gone to mud, but some how after bottoming out twice the trustee ol’ Windstar found it’s way there an back.
We arrived at Last Mountain Lake and it was almost just as I left it. I found Danny Delong setting up a Teepee next to the ‘Big Tab’ as I was introduced to the theme of the weekend; Cowboys and Indians. This theme although being very controversial at frist glance was actually a lot of fun as we saw countless people play ‘scalp tag’, ‘bull riding – which involved being pulled by a boat on a tube while only being granted the use of one hand – ‘ and good ol’ cowboy standoff where we saw a close range paintball war. In previous years the admissions teams had been worked really hard at these retreats – which is our purpose, we’re there to serve wherever needed – but this year was more than bearable. I was involved in setting up the sanctuary and digging some holes under the trampoline, hardly anything to complain about. Around 7 everyone started showing up as we got ready for some activities and then finally service. It was so nice to see people we haven’t seen in a while, to hang out and catch up, definitely a good time. It was so wonderful to once again be in a worship service, a place that it seems I long to get lost in. The worship was exciting as we were exposed to some new songs and the speaking was just was terrific. Perhaps they couldn’t have been anything but that because they were glorifying the Lord…regardless they were used to impact me and many others. That night we hung out as always, and I was introduced to a bunch of wonderful people mainly from Regina and Moose Jaw, two cities that seem to be jam packed with wonderful people. Seems the game of Rook is a Moose Jaw city favorite as I watched a whole room full of guys explain not only their passion for the game, but I kid you not, they swapped stories and strategies for a good 15-20 minutes. It really was neat to see everyone get excited about something I know so little about. What about Phase Ten?
The next morning I woke up at 6 to go wake boarding for the first time - which was a mistake as I found out that 6 seems to be just as ridiculous a time to those driving the boats as it was to me – so needless to say it never happened. The afternoon was filled with a beach volleyball tournament that proved to be an overall success, yet a personal disaster. I once again found myself playing on a team doomed to failure – were would I have lived that out before…is that a Storm in the distance? - And still there was joy and hope present, something I was thankful followed us to the beach that afternoon. I enjoyed yelling the scores and giving yellow cards to everyone as well, its kinda fun having that kind of power as I got to be the head referee.
The evening was once again filled with an impacting encounter with out Maker, which was preceded by what can only be described as the following: countless water balloons, 250 bags of flour, and 70 eggs. It was absolute mayhem as around 9 campers found there way into a war that will not soon be forgotten. As eggs were thrown with immeasurable force and flour was dumped in hair creating a very sticky mess, there were a few accidents, as some eggs found there way into the crowd (which vanished so quickly for some reason)…although no one was seriously injured. The war was one of the camp highlights for sure, if only we had people brave enough to take pictures, seeing them as a reward enough to live through the skin crushing force of an egg introducing it’s calcium to your thigh. It was so close to perfection.
The next morning wakeboarding did happen, twice actually and as it turns out the sport is oh so fun; it’s easier than snowboarding and no need to wait in line for a lift, a definite bonus. Although falling on your face still hurts just as bad, I had to discover this the hard way.
We as the recruitment team left the ‘1832’ retreat with a lot of new friends, stronger friendships and many memories that will hopefully never be forgotten. There are many stories I didn’t share, if we ever hang out I’m sure we’ll have a good laugh as we hear how I discovered that I just might be lactose intolerant. All I can say is oh my.
I could write about this weekend all night, but alas there is another adventure on the horizon, looks to be…Veteran Camp. And with that we’re off to more adventures and hopefully a little bit less mayhem, but who am I kidding, bring it on!
It's Time For Weekend Update...

One of my closest high school friends, John was getting married this weekend to his bride from the United Sates, Erin. John asked me to be a part of the wedding, honored I told him I would. I traveled home with some people I like to call my ‘extended family’ the Mclain’s and now even the Holcombs. It is so refreshing to be in the company of people who you have shared so much life with. The idea of a ‘close friend’ has really been nagging at the back of my mind lately as I’m beginning to understand the requirements, effort, sacrifice and most of all time it takes for these friendships to develop and mature. These relationships seem to be so few and far between that it can at times be straining in not having someone with whom you have shared so much with. It is exciting to watch these friendships develop, but the time it takes is such as hindrance as the Lord leads me to and for in this life, in and out of different networks of friends. And in the midst of it all He is faithful, my best friend, the one who knows me best of all, the one whom I can share everything with, the one who never leaves. For that I am forever thankful.
So I arrive in Calgary and head straight to John’s house to got to know the bridal party. The brides maids were all from Idaho, which was interesting to see how they were different culturally compared to us Calgarians, and the grooms men minus myself were all from Lethbridge. So knowing one family in Lethbridge I asked, so you know the Golom’s and sure enough half them had spent time with them. All of you who have met Simon will understand why he is known city - wide. So this was once again another example of how small our world is.
So we hung out, and then went to the rehearsal practice where I realized that if your playing the role of bride’s maid it basically means that you will have complete control over the wedding, having all your requests met. I suppose it’s out of love and care for the bride, but is it really going to kill someone if I’m tilted 2 degrees in the wrong direction? Maybe, so lets error on the side of caution and do everything perfect.
The rehearsal dinner was excellent and I really got to know some of the guys. Interesting enough it all came from one question; would you ride a bull if you had the chance. Two of us said yes, the others no and for that moment on the discussion of riding a bull took over and we did not change subjects for a good 35 minutes. Turns out you can breed 50 000 dollar bulls, who knew? A good time none the less, and I made all the groomsmen oath that if I’m married in the next five year they all have to come bull riding with me before my wedding – even if I never see them again.
The wedding itself was simple, but oh so elegant. The guys played volleyball before we got ready for the wedding, and it was nice to show John the FGBC skills in volleyball: no kidding he was impressed, who’s not impressed by the STORM?
The most incredible part of the whole weekend was watching John and his bride stare at each other for what seemed like days. He loves her with all he is and would do anything for her. Yet in the same moment she would do the same, and there is the glue that holds their bond so tightly. Oh course the Lord is the ultimate glue but you get the picture. This love that was so confidently on display is a mystery, one that I don’t think will ever be solved, but only discovered.
The rest of the day was so wonderful; I had tears three or four times, and found my face in pain from smiling so much. There was rain for the pictures and even that wouldn’t dampen the day. Another cool feature of the day was meeting so many people from all over and noticing many of them having a huge desire to serve the Lord. That is one thing that I find so invigorating, a young adult in the midst of all the peer pressures of university, standing tall for their Lord. It was a wonderful experience, and it was very encouraging. Although I think I was so amped by the whole situation that I became a little ‘too’ excited and weirded out some of the guys I was talking to. But I mean I honestly get jazzed when I see our faith that is so liberating doing just that in peoples lives.
Now I don’t really know why you would read all this but after being stranded on a bus for 10 hours I really have nothing more to do but to update you on my weekend, and some of my thoughts on it.
Next stop, Kedleston camp 1832.
The Grid Road Grinding

Oh my goodness, it is such a wonderful opportunity to sit here and catch up on some info. We just finished our Alberta tour with Admissions, and it was such a blast to be in the city again. The business, the opportunities, the people – each of whom holds a story worth telling – really made things exciting fro me to return home to. Also it I was pumped to attend some school with kids who had grown up in the city, just one more thing to share in common.
A funny story out of all this is was delivered from Craig. It seems that with myself being the only city boy on the team, that I am the brunt of a lot of jokes from Laurie, Craig, and Kendall – whom you might want to ask who is new in her life -, most having to do with my unfortunate circumstance of being a city boy, a perspective I do not share with them. Anyway, it was recently revealed to the group that I had no idea what a ‘grid road’ was. This was discovered when I was asked to turn onto one, quickly realizing that it was not a highway of any numbering, but in fact a nightmarish gravel road that could very well have led to the edge of the world. I was mocked for a few days and now there is a running joke within the team that refers to Greg’s ignorance to farm life. So we were in the city, taking part in a very comfortable and relaxed presentation, and somewhere down the line we started talking about city and farm lives. Needless to say the comment of myself being the only city kid arose, and then Craig stepped in for the kill…”Yah he didn’t even know what a grid road was…”
Absolute silence. I watched as a confused look washed over all their faces, as they admitted to Craig they had no idea either. I could do nothing but stand and clap.
So a few quick updates, the Riders game was a good time, it was a terrible game that involved one touchdown over the entire length of the game, but it was still an awesome time. Rider fans are wild, some guys wore chicken feet. It seems Craig Knudsen is slow on his blogging efforts, he has an account set up and I’m linked to it, he’s just struggling to find the right words to put down. As well Sheldon Riess has joined the blogging world,, the Crass files are now up and running. Also it seems Grant Lucy has made the shift to blogspot keeping us updated with, Words To Make You Think.
That is all for now, I would love to hang out with some of you this summer at some camps or Street Invaders, or even if it’s just the Praise Party. I don’t expect people to make their way down here, so when I’m in the neighborhood let’s make sure we make some memories.