So Good…

This past week I have once again been shell-shocked by how good the Lord is. I was reading through one of my prayer journals looking back on all the things I’ve walked through this past year. As I was reading over my prayers, concerns, and desires, what I found was a steady pattern; He answered them, all of them. Every single prayer I prayed He gave an answer to, although not always the one I had hoped for, but an answer nonetheless. He is so good to me. I have found myself repeating this over and over again, being overwhelmed by His goodness. My prayers for the past little while have been to know Him more, to hear his voice and fall deeper in love with Him. And it is happening, He’s once again answering my prayer. I feel so special to have this relationship with the Most High God, so honored that he would hear my cry. He is my all, and I want Him to become even more than that. I cannot take this smile of my face – and Craig would be my witness – because it seems the more I spend time with Him, the more I fall in love with Him. He is so good. I cannot use words to express it, and actions do not seem to do enough either. My heart just wants to scream in His hands. Father I love you with everything I am. May we run faster and harder in this life. Reveal to me all you desire, and use me to bring glory to Your name. Together may we throwdown on this life you have set up for splendor, and bring You glory. You, my God, are lovely.
Amen bro.
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