It's Time For Weekend Update...

One of my closest high school friends, John was getting married this weekend to his bride from the United Sates, Erin. John asked me to be a part of the wedding, honored I told him I would. I traveled home with some people I like to call my ‘extended family’ the Mclain’s and now even the Holcombs. It is so refreshing to be in the company of people who you have shared so much life with. The idea of a ‘close friend’ has really been nagging at the back of my mind lately as I’m beginning to understand the requirements, effort, sacrifice and most of all time it takes for these friendships to develop and mature. These relationships seem to be so few and far between that it can at times be straining in not having someone with whom you have shared so much with. It is exciting to watch these friendships develop, but the time it takes is such as hindrance as the Lord leads me to and for in this life, in and out of different networks of friends. And in the midst of it all He is faithful, my best friend, the one who knows me best of all, the one whom I can share everything with, the one who never leaves. For that I am forever thankful.
So I arrive in Calgary and head straight to John’s house to got to know the bridal party. The brides maids were all from Idaho, which was interesting to see how they were different culturally compared to us Calgarians, and the grooms men minus myself were all from Lethbridge. So knowing one family in Lethbridge I asked, so you know the Golom’s and sure enough half them had spent time with them. All of you who have met Simon will understand why he is known city - wide. So this was once again another example of how small our world is.
So we hung out, and then went to the rehearsal practice where I realized that if your playing the role of bride’s maid it basically means that you will have complete control over the wedding, having all your requests met. I suppose it’s out of love and care for the bride, but is it really going to kill someone if I’m tilted 2 degrees in the wrong direction? Maybe, so lets error on the side of caution and do everything perfect.
The rehearsal dinner was excellent and I really got to know some of the guys. Interesting enough it all came from one question; would you ride a bull if you had the chance. Two of us said yes, the others no and for that moment on the discussion of riding a bull took over and we did not change subjects for a good 35 minutes. Turns out you can breed 50 000 dollar bulls, who knew? A good time none the less, and I made all the groomsmen oath that if I’m married in the next five year they all have to come bull riding with me before my wedding – even if I never see them again.
The wedding itself was simple, but oh so elegant. The guys played volleyball before we got ready for the wedding, and it was nice to show John the FGBC skills in volleyball: no kidding he was impressed, who’s not impressed by the STORM?
The most incredible part of the whole weekend was watching John and his bride stare at each other for what seemed like days. He loves her with all he is and would do anything for her. Yet in the same moment she would do the same, and there is the glue that holds their bond so tightly. Oh course the Lord is the ultimate glue but you get the picture. This love that was so confidently on display is a mystery, one that I don’t think will ever be solved, but only discovered.
The rest of the day was so wonderful; I had tears three or four times, and found my face in pain from smiling so much. There was rain for the pictures and even that wouldn’t dampen the day. Another cool feature of the day was meeting so many people from all over and noticing many of them having a huge desire to serve the Lord. That is one thing that I find so invigorating, a young adult in the midst of all the peer pressures of university, standing tall for their Lord. It was a wonderful experience, and it was very encouraging. Although I think I was so amped by the whole situation that I became a little ‘too’ excited and weirded out some of the guys I was talking to. But I mean I honestly get jazzed when I see our faith that is so liberating doing just that in peoples lives.
Now I don’t really know why you would read all this but after being stranded on a bus for 10 hours I really have nothing more to do but to update you on my weekend, and some of my thoughts on it.
Next stop, Kedleston camp 1832.
"These relationships seem to be so few and far between that it can at times be straining in not having someone with whom you have shared so much with."
I fully understand this statement, which goes with the next about God being there and so faithful of a friend. It's nice to always have someone around who understands you! Glad your weekend went so wonderfully!
I like this post. Weddings are beautiful. Love is so present when you see the bride and groom stare at one another like there's no one else around!
Thanks for your encouragement on my blogs. I like yours as well!
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