Breathing Easy
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
A Watershed Moment

It is interesting how time can come to a close yet really never shift. Here at school everyone is finishing up their last few assignments and then preparing for the long good-bye. These times of reflection can be such surreal moments as we reminisce on a years worth of memories. From food fights to mid night birthday bumps, new friendships and old we have experienced a variety of experiences that will forever shape us. Our time here is winding down, and its bitter sweetness leaves me confused. I love the idea of having new adventures and new journeys waiting for me at every bend in the summer, or the fact that many of us have no idea what this next stage in life will bring; embrace that mystery. And on the other hand we have the regret of leaving our 100 closest friends who we have walked so far with in this life, perhaps having spending the last moments ever with a few of them, never to see their face in our eyes again. This loss can be so overwhelming that it makes us weep. But I want to focus on the positives, the good times, the moments that brought you to your knees in laughter. Write them down or tell the stories to everyone that will listen, about your incredible moments being broken before His throne, winning the Dolan Cup, and even that one paper where you poured your heart out.
Today is the end of a grand adventure for me personally; our community group is having our last meeting. It was exciting having so many different people come together from so many walks of life, and to partake in this experiment of blogging. I hope we continue on as I feel that this media of writing can affect many things in our days beyond ourselves. So well done to the many member of this blogging experiment, I pray you continue writing and inspiring, releasing that inner voice that speaks so loudly.
As well as a young child grows and changes in character I have noticed this blog doing an evolution of sorts. I’ve seen it merge character with my other blog ‘Your Thoughts’. After considering merging the two and leaving this one barren I have decided to take the approach of a miss Tommi-Lyn, having brief life updates contained here, something I realize would be taking me back to the root of this blog. So I am going to try to bring this area back under its original purpose, being a personal expression of my thoughts, updating life moments. So for my more articulate and perhaps meaningful words (although this is completely subjective) you can find them in ‘Your Thoughts’, but as for ‘Breathing Easier’, I’m getting ready to exhale.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Irrepressible Youth

Growing up is said by some to be the hardest thing to do in life. We have to struggle through finding ourselves while pop culture screams candy-coated profanities at us to distract us from discovering what were in search of. We have to deal with being misunderstood by the previous generation of citizens that can’t fathom our ripped denim, or uncontrollably loud music that’s sounds a though demons are making their way through the speakers. There is the rapidly changing hairstyle’s along with the evolution of the piercing and tattoo that seems to be changing so quickly there is no use in trying to keep up.
But if we take a moment to step outside the typhoon that is our ever-shifting lives and really peer deep into what we are as a generation we will find something: Hope. Underneath all the facades that we put on as well as the make up, there is a deep desire to break out and grasp all that we are. If we are willing to step outside of this mayhem, we can hear these rumblings on the radio: “Maybe we don’t want to live in a world, Where innocence is so short, we’ll make it up to you” That was a song on the radio by the band Silverchair when I was just entering grade 7. Still it goes on, “We are the image of the invisible, we all were lost now we are found, no one can stop us or slow us down, we all are named and we are known, we know that we'll never walk alone, we all were lost now we are found, no one can stop us or slow us down, we all are, named and we are known, we know that we'll never walk alone,” from the popular punk band Thrice. One more time, “We believe In this love, so this world is too much for you to take, just lay it down and follow me, I’ll be everything you need, In everyway,” from Good Charlotte. Our cry is to be something more than we see, to take our lives and really do something with it. It’s happening. I can see the mobilization of our generation getting geared up to break out of this mold.
We have the potential for greatness as explained in ‘your thoughts’, but we need leaders, and we need them from all walks of life. We in our youthful zeal and passion cannot ignore the genuine wisdom from those whom have gone before us. We need to embrace those older than us with open arms and allow them to guide us and teach us. We have to compromise because as youth we will inevitably need their traditions to change but together we can change this world and bring to it, the hope we only find in our dreams. I want the togetherness of the Lost Boys from Peter Pan to encompass all we do. “We’ll make it up to you in the year 2000…with you.” So with your passions ignited lets join hands and as they say ‘throw down’ on this life.